May 15, 2017

Implementation of Paris Agreement on climate Ségolène Royal presents Jean-Yves Le Gall with insignia of Commander of the National Order of Merit

CNES President Jean-Yves Le Gall has been made Commander of the National Order of Merit by government order of 2 May. He received his insignia from Ségolène Royal, Minister for the Environment, Energy and Maritime Affairs, at a ceremony on Friday 12 May in Paris.
Mise en œuvre de l’Accord de Paris sur le climat, Ségolène Royal remet à Jean-Yves Le Gall les insignes de commandeur dans l’ordre national du Mérite. Credits: MEEM/DICOM-Damien Valente

During the ceremony, Ségolène Royal, Minister for the Environment, Energy and Maritime Affairs, highlighted the career milestones of CNES’s President and his unstinting efforts in implementing the Paris Agreement on climate. She commented: “We met at the COP21 event so crucially important for our planet and, with CNES, you have worked to secure and implement the Paris Agreement and in so doing honoured France and its space technologies.”

In reply, Jean-Yves Le Gall paid tribute to the Minister’s method in addressing environmental issues and to her magnificent achievement of getting the Paris Agreement approved by the world’s nations. He also thanked her for her keen interest in furthering space assets, materialized by the development of the MicroCarb satellite through which France is set to make a vital contribution to such issues.

He concluded: “Madam Minister, thanks to your support, we have met major challenges but above all we have set ourselves even greater challenges still. I can assure you that these insignia with which you have honoured me will simply strengthen my resolve to rise to them!”


Contacts :

Fabienne Lissak         Tél. +33(0)1 44 76 78 74
Pascale Bresson        Tél. +33(0)1 44 76 75 39
Secrétariat presse    Tél. +33(0)1 44 76 76 88