July 15, 2014

Space summer school ‘Space for Earth’

CNES is putting on this year’s ‘Space for Earth’ space summer school in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research. Aimed at 100 or so physics-chemistry, life sciences, Earth sciences, mathematics and history-geography teachers in secondary schools, and part of the national training plan, this event is being organized under an agreement between the ministry and the agency.

The five-day summer school at the Cité de l'Espace space theme park in Toulouse from 11-15 July aims to engage teachers and show them opportunities for using space technologies in the classroom. This year’s school is focusing on Earth observation and space-based remote-sensing systems, particularly CNES’s new ‘Terr’Image’ educational project that is exploiting high-resolution Earth imagery from the Pléiades satellites and environmental applications. It will also be looking at topics related to satellite orbit determination and the measurement systems these satellites employ to collect Earth-observation data.

Organized every two years by CNES, the space summer school proposes thematic and cross-cutting workshops, visits to industrial facilities and the Jolimont observatory in Toulouse, as well as talks on current topics.

Talk open to the public entitled
‘Climate change: what are satellites telling us?’
given by Jean-Louis Fellous, Executive Director of COSPAR,
on Saturday 12 July at 9.00 p.m. at the Cité de l’Espace.

Since its inception in 1961, CNES has pursued an active outreach policy to bring space culture to young people, teachers and science educators. Training courses are thus organized to encourage teachers to include space-related topics in their lessons.

More information at:

CNES press contacts

Alain Delrieu Tel. +33 (0)1 44 76 74 04 alain.delrieu@cnes.fr
Pascale Bresson Tel. +33 (0)1 44 76 75 39 pascale.bresson@cnes.fr
Julien Watelet Tel. +33 (0)1 44 76 78 37 julien.watelet@cnes.fr
